When to Keep Playing and When Quit Playing

In poker there are obviously times when it is best to stop playing to conserve your bankroll and there are other times where you should play to the end. Some people make this decision as a result of gut feeling or superstition. However, you should take a more systematic point of view when deciding whether or not to pursue the game. Here we will examine some logical reasons as to whether or not you should pursue play.

Of course you shouldn't force yourself to play when you don't feel like it. Sometimes you just have to relax and the best way to do so is to change the activity. For example you may destress yourself at game of slots at live online casino. The sand, the sun and the surf all combine here in a winning combination that can easily lead you to the grand prize!

Firstly make this decision based on the type of game you're playing. For example if you view poker like a business being in the right game is analogous in business terms to being in the right location.  If you’re in the right game this can determine your earnings and winning rate, so you can decide whether or not to continue play.

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Good poker game

In a typical poker game you may notice a rhythm were about game may get better or a good game may degenerate for you. A good game is determined by how often you when the pot and the type of opponents you’re playing against. During the good game a weak opponents will go broke all leave so you may be left with more skilled players which will make the game harder. When the game starts tough better opponents may leave to find easier targets making the game easier for you.

At the end of the day poker is about making the best decisions possible. Don't decide to stay in the game to try to get even because you should be in pursuit of making the best decisions rather than hoping to win and hoping not to lose. You should stay in the game when you're having a good run.

You may be in a position where you want money in the game only to lose it say an hour later. You may think yourself why didn't you quit when you were already ahead by $600? It is illogical because if you're in a good game then it is stupid to quit when you're potentially earning money. It's like quitting the game now coming back tomorrow having a bad game. So it is not advisable to make a decision on whether to quit on the amount of money you have won.

Some people quit when they're ahead with small wins.  This is what people refer to as manufactured streaks. You could boast about your winning tendency but you risk earning less money. If you are behind the wins some people will stay in the game until they win so you maximise your losses. Some making a decision based on the perceived lucky streaks and trying to get it back. This is not a good strategy

One can elevate themselves to a large game if they're having a good run, however you do not need to consistently play the game. You can actually use previous limits as well as delving into the larger limits.  It is advisable to keep an eye on both games where you can delve into any of them. To justify playing the larger limits as must be better than the regular limit especially if you're tight with the bankroll.

Why should you stay in the game?

1)    You’re experiencing a good game

2)    the perception of you by others is good

3)    There is a good atmosphere around the table. This can mean that people are laughing, joking and generally having a lot of fun.  If people are playing silently it means that their strategy is being carefully planned out so you may not make as much money.

4)    You feel you know what you are doing and you are in the right state to play.

Conversely there are logical reasons why should quit a game

1)    Your perceived image is not good and the game is running badly.

2)    Since you are on a losing streak, the other players are motivated. There is also a lot of silence around the table

3)    There is aggressive and selective play amongst your opponents.

4)    It seems hard to perceive any errors the other players are making and you're even paranoid that some people are cheating. You should be able to detect whether the opponent making the decision that you would consider unprofitable. If you can't then leave the game.

5)    You feel stuck to your seat

6)    For your bankroll the game is extremely loose.

Quitting when you're losing is a good idea because when you are losing you project a bad image so the other players become more confident. Conversely when you're successful the other players may make more mistakes out of frustration or amazement. Their decisions may not be as good therefore in this situation it is not a good idea to quit.

Lastly if your losses are so agonisingly bad that you feel that any other losses will make you feel no worse, then it is definitely time to leave the game.